
Lanarte Basket of Roses pn0008004

lanarte basket of roses pn0008004
There is no doubt about it, this lanarte basket of roses pn0008004 is simply wonderful.  A wicker basket in rich browns is what keeps all these blooms and foliage in place.
Crammed packed full with foliage of many types, this wicker basket is bursting with a multitude of blooms in varying shades of pinks yellows creams salmons and Apricots all in pastel and so beautifully put together ... A composition of floral elegance perfect for your home.

lanarte basket of roses pn0008004

lanarte basket of roses pn0008004

Each Kit Contains:-
Large Scale B/W Chart printed 10stitched to 3cms. Chart also has Key chart printed on it.
100%  Cotton 30ct Linen 
DMC Threads Carded
Yarn Organizer.

Instructions in :- Eight languages

Normal price £52.85
Our Price  £43.60
Saving £9.25 (17.5%)

lanarte basket of roses pn0008004

Lanarte Quote:- "Nearly a century of excellence and quality is only possible if you are constantly seeking out new challenges"

Stitch Size:-
19.6" x 15.6" 
 49cms x 39cms

Stitches Used
Full Stitch

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