The lanarte bouquet of flowers PN-0168743 is a mixed array of both wild and home flowers placed together in a clear glass jar and then positioned on a windowsill with the sun streaming in behind. The picture is both delicate and light and stitched using two strands through out.
The kit comes in a presentation box which makes this a beautiful gift.
Normal price £51.17
Our Price £42.22
Saving £8.95 (17.5%)
Lanarte Quote:- "Nearly a century of excellence and quality is only possible if you are constantly seeking out new challenges"
Stitch Size
11" x 11"
29cm x 29cm
Stitch Count:-
180 x 180
Each Kit Contains:-
Large Scale B/W Chart
100% White Cotton 30ct Linen
DMC Threads pre carded onto Yarn Organizer.
Instructions in :- 8 languages
Stitches Used:-
Full Stitch
Half Stitch
Number of Colours:- 30